Author Guidelines and Paper Submission

Author Guidelines

  1. Submissions must adhere to the scope of the journal.
  2. Ensure the originality, clarity, and scientific approach of the manuscript.
  3. Provide reliable and generalizable findings.
  4. Adhere to standard referencing styles for citations and references.
  5. Clearly indicate primary and secondary data sources.
  6. Follow the double-blind peer review process.
  7. Submit manuscripts electronically according to the journal's instructions.
  8. Disclose any conflicts of interest and ethical considerations related to the research.
  9. Consent to the review process and publication terms of the journal.

Paper Submission

Authors submit papers in MS-Word compatible formats and in Tex for Mathematics and Statistics. This is after logging into the Science Mundi portal with their credentials and accessing the Online Submission Link. The authors are then guided by a sequential process in the submission process. After submission, the authors get automatic acknowledgment through their email accounts with an especially ascribed reference number. The authors will then be contacted directly by our editors on the follow processes.

Paper Format and Page Layout

  1. Papers must be submitted in MS-Word (.doc & .docx) or .Tex formats.
  2. The paper should not exceed 30 pages.
  3. The author's name and institution of affiliation should be clearly indicated.
  4. Keywords should not be more than six.
  5. The spacing for the paper should be as follows: single spacing for the whole document.
  6. The font sizes of the papers are as follows: title: 12 font size; names of authors: 11 font size; names of authors’ institutions: 10 font size; abstract and keywords: -10 font size; all other parts: 11 font size
  7. The font for the paper should be Times New Roman.
  8. The page setup should be as follows: Portrait; A4 size; all other margins - 1 inch.
  9. Pages numbers should be placed at the bottom and centered. Nothing else, including footnotes, is allowed in the bottom margin of the paper.
  10. The papers should be referenced in either APA, CMS, Harvard latest styles. Automatic referencing is preferred.
  11. Spelling should be checked to avoid unnecessary grammatical errors and typos.

Paper Structure

The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:

  1. Title of paper/work; author(s) names, and complete name(s) of institution(s): The title should be clear and concise. List all authors with their respective institutions.

  2. Valid Email address, ORCID (if applicable): Provide valid contact information for the corresponding author and ORCID IDs (if available).

  3. Acknowledgment (optional): Mention any individuals or organizations that supported the research.

  4. Abstract: A brief summary of the research objectives, methodology, key findings, and recommendations.

  5. Keywords: A list of key terms that represent the core topics of the research.

  6. Introduction: Introduce the research topic, provide background information, and highlight the research context.

  7. Problem Statement: Define the research gap or problem that the study addresses.

  8. Objective(s): Clearly outline the main goals of the research.

  9. Research Hypothesis (if any): State any hypotheses being tested in the study.

  10. Literature Review:

  • Theoretical Framework: Present the theory guiding the research.
  • Empirical Review: Discuss previous studies related to the research objectives.
  • Conceptual Review (if applicable): Clarify key concepts and how they relate to the study.
  1. Methodology: Describe the research design, data collection methods, target population, sampling procedures, and data analysis techniques.

  2. Results and Discussions: Present the findings of the study, followed by an analysis and discussion in relation to the research objectives and literature.

  3. Conclusions: Summarize the main findings and their implications.

  4. Recommendations: Offer practical or theoretical suggestions based on the research findings.

  5. References: List all sources used, formatted according to APA, Harvard, or Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), and arranged alphabetically.