Protracted Conflicts in Africa: Evidence of the Ramifications of Bawku Conflict in Ghana on Access to Health Facilities and Health Service Utilisation


  • David Suaka Yaro C.K.T. University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS), Ghana
  • Daniel Dramani Kipo-Sunyehzi University of Ghana, Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LECIAD)
  • Munkaila Abdul - Basit Danjoe University of Ghana, Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LECIAD)



Access to Health Facilities, Bawku Conflict, Healthcare Service Utilization, Kusasis-Mamprusis, Protracted Conflicts in Africa


The study mainly analyzes some protracted conflicts in Africa, particularly in Northern Ghana in Bawku in the Upper East Region of Ghana. The theoretical perspective was on protracted social conflict theory with insights from Edward Azar and its implications or ramifications on the internal and external relations of countries. The method used was largely a descriptive survey design, with the main instrument of data collection being a questionnaire, which was administered in the Bawku area in June 2023. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the respondents. The sample size was 399, and the data was analyzed with basic statistics and presented in tables and charts. The study found that the Bawku conflict significantly affected or impacted both the people's access to healthcare facilities (56.3%) and their access to healthcare service utilization (51.2%). Also, the study found that the most detrimental effects of the conflict were in terms of death (78.7%), injuries (74.5%), and obstructions to people's daily activities or operations (66%). In terms of the most effective or most common conflict resolution mechanisms that have been used in the conflict, they include the use of police and the military, followed by traditional councils and houses of chiefs. The study recommends that there must be concerted efforts by the central government and all stakeholders to address the conflict and find a long-lasting solution to the ethnic conflicts that have engulfed the Bawku traditional area. Also, political parties should limit their interference (meddling or snooping) and allow the traditional leaders in the Upper East Region, together with the National House of Chiefs’ free hand, to mediate and resolve the protracted Bawku conflict in Ghana.


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How to Cite

Yaro, D. S., Kipo-Sunyehzi, D. D., & Danjoe, M. A. .-. B. (2023). Protracted Conflicts in Africa: Evidence of the Ramifications of Bawku Conflict in Ghana on Access to Health Facilities and Health Service Utilisation. SCIENCE MUNDI, 3(1), 43–53.

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