Parenting Style, Social Development and Academic Performance of Junior High School Pupils
Parenting styles, Social development, Academic performance, PupilsAbstract
This paper looked at parenting styles, social development, and academic performance of pupils in the Assin north district of the Central region. The cross-sectional survey design premised on the quantitative approach which is also seated in the positivist orientation to research was adopted. Using the proportionate random sampling procedure, 327 pupils from 30 Junior High Schools in the District were sampled. Data collected were analysed using both descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential (Spearman rank and Pearson correlation) statistics. It was found among others that, the majority of parents of pupils in the Assin north district used an authoritative parenting style. Again, most of the pupils in the Assin north district have high social development. There was a weak positive non-significant relationship between parenting styles and the social development of the pupils (r=0.035, sig.=0.052). Also, there was a weak negative significant relationship between parenting style and the academic performance of the pupils (r=-0.111, sig.=0.044). It was recommended among others that, parents in the district are educated through District Assembly policies and programmes on the importance and influence of their parenting styles. Also, the District Assembly, chiefs, parents, and teachers in the district should put in measures to ensure the continuous and optimum social development of JHS pupils.
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